Mountain bike maintenance


Be About It!
Wichita, KS
I bought a fugi 29r last year and I never got around to taking it in for its free 60 and 90 day tune ups, so I'm here asking for advice on recommended service on the forks chain and sprokets. She's getting a little squeaky so I know she's over due for sure. Thanks for anything you can throw my way!

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South Florida
Put some waxed chain lube on and wipe it off after every ride on and keep riding until something breaks or you have problems shifting or braking.

High Speed Industries

Your one stop shop for quality parts @highspeedind
Forks- if they aren't leaking leave them alone. Wipe off dust/mud from the stanchions after every ride. If you keep the seals clean they will last forever.
Chain- Lube every few rides- the lube requirement will vary depending on where you ride and what lube you use. Replace chain every 3,000 miles or when it stretches enough to be seen on a chain checker.
Sprockets- Replace every 2-3 chains. sprockets and chains will wear out together. A worn chain will wear out your drivetrain faster, if the chain is replaced on time you will get 6-9,000 miles out of your sprockets.
Suspension- lube as needed when it starts to squeak.
Wheels- take a look before every ride, just eyeball them. If they look relatively straight (less than 1/2'" of movement) leave them alone. If they are tweaked, true them as needed.

If you want to make your drivetrain last don't shift it under load. Other than that just strap on a helmet and enjoy.
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