My barrel roll

thanks guys, makes it all worth while
im running a lokicustoms 760 ported ski, high comp head, b pipe and a few other bits.
the steering is lokis own and the prop had to be repitched to cope with the power.
i took a load of dings out of the prop on the morning during launching, hence the crap hook up,
i hav a new prop on its way, but i am kind of glad i learnt it while the ski wasnt going to well as it should be better when it is.
thanks again, i will keep you all posted as they progress(hands off bars ect.)
how many time you landed upsidedown while learning? thats one thing im worried about as to how bad it would hurt with the ski landing on top of you


the taco
how many time you landed upsidedown while learning? thats one thing im worried about as to how bad it would hurt with the ski landing on top of you

the ski landing on top doesnt hurt....the water ripping you off can hurt though......especially with a helmet yanking on your neck. my problem is that i can invert with a half throttle blip but the thought of really laying into it full throttle and cranking the bars all of the way to try and roll scares the ******** out of me. i wish i had someone to teach me and coax me along. when i go out i keep telling myself, "im gonna do it today" but never get that far.

back on topic.....that is a very clean roll....nice. :biggthumpup:
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