my jetworks powered superjet is alive .

just got my prop fixed from skat.havent rode this ski since last summer. so i took the ski with me to work today. i thought it was running pretty good after some tuning last year. cranked first try with no primer .warmed it up for min or so and hit the throttle holly guys need to try one of jetworks motors.props still go to art for making a stock cylinder w/4mil stroker run so well. :shocked: i feltl like it was the first time i rode my ski again.


1974 YZ 701
I have 1 big bore jet works engine, 1- JW big sleeve 61x cylinder, 1- 84mm JW 61x cylinder !
I loved my ski last year that was done by him and will let anyone try my new one ! okok after I put another crank in it.. lol (waterlock)


Grand Rapids, MI
the stock bore 4 mil from art is a very nice motor i rode one a couple of times up in mi last year and was definatlly impressed

WFO Speedracer

A lifetime ban is like a lifetime warranty !
I rode Crammits boat last year it frikkin rocked,I would have rode BMXboys but I was breaking a lot of stuff that day and didn't want to jynx him.:fingersx:

Tyler Zane

Open Your Eyes
ok say i had a bone stock 701 out of a 04 sj with $3000 just laying around. what would be a good option from jetworks??? or anyone else for that matter

btw freestyle is the game


Grand Rapids, MI
you are bored in the desert today aren't you....think this is the 4th or so old thread you've rehashed least no one can tell you to use the search function for starting new threads

Tyler Zane

Open Your Eyes
you are bored in the desert today aren't you....think this is the 4th or so old thread you've rehashed least no one can tell you to use the search function for starting new threads

hey man i got time on my hands and im just trying to do some homework before i drop money in my ski :). and yes very bored. i like to hear opinions.
Don't forget the B pipe you want is 700 so that leaves you 2300.

771cc with aluminum flywheel and EPIC cdi IMHO..
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