My Waterdawg Diablo hood is coming apart

The liner "about a 10" section" in my Diablo hood has cracked/seperated from the shell..... the shell itself is also showing sighns of cracking..... there is some spider cracking going on toward the back/top part of the shell.... there are aslo a few stright cracks as well.

I wont lye, I have been pretty hard on my boat lately. I probably have about 10hrs in the surf on this hood...... probably another 20hrs at the lake.

In the surf I rarely land hard on the hood from Barrel roles, my rotation is usually at least 7/8's the way around, wich I wouldnt think would be hurting the hood.

Learning flatwater roles though I have landed plenty of times pretty hard on the hood.

I guess I have done a pretty good jod testing this hood.

I will call Jeff Monday, as he still has not shipped me a rideplate that I ordered back in December... that is already paid for, and I never recieved any air intake hoses for the hood either...... I cant complain too much here though as I have only left him a couple of messages asking for him too call me back..... that is my fault for not blowing his phone up like everyone around here seems to have to do.

Im a little frustrated as I paid full price for this hood, and didnt recieve it untill about two weeks before he ran the $400 special..... and I never recieved my rideplat that was already paid for as well.

I guess I will fix the liner myself, I will not pay to ship this hood off.... I have too much invested in it already.... once the liner is fixed I guess I will find out how long the shell holds up for.

The next hood I spend my $ on will definetly be stronger and lighter...... It will be more $ though of course..... I just wish I would have waited.

Hopefully Nick "yamaslut" will post some pictures of how he reinforced his liner to the shell.... now I wish I would have done this as well.

Sorry no pictures yet..... I have to find someone with a camera.
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drillin like a villian
My WD hood is on its 3rd season of hard abuse, The liner had separated about first 3 weekends of riding. I just repaired it my self with a fiberglass wet lay. I still have to repair it about every 6 months or so. I just consider it jet ski maintenance
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My WD hood is on its 3rd season of hard abuse, The liner had separated about first 3 weekends of riding. I just repaired it my self with a fiberglass wet lay. I still have to repair it about every 6 months or so. I just consider it jet ski maintenance

I have enough BS to deal with, Id rather not have to fix my hood every 6 months.....

Is there a hood on the market that wont come apart?


Shootin' The Crap
I'm glad that we are at least hearing about it and it isn't being swept under the rug. I hate that you had problems with it, and Jeff's reaction to this type of situation will help determine his longevity in this sport.

Other hoods may have failed as well, though, with the abuse this one has been put thru. It is my understanding that the Cracker rides hard! :sneaky:


Louisville, Ky
If you are going to the GA ride bring it with you. That way maybe he can take a look at where it is seperating, determine why it is seperating and can warrenty the hood or make the appropriate changes to keep it from happening again.


Xscream Braaaap
palm harbor, Fl
I'm glad that we are at least hearing about it and it isn't being swept under the rug. I hate that you had problems with it, and Jeff's reaction to this type of situation will help determine his longevity in this sport.

Other hoods may have failed as well, though, with the abuse this one has been put thru. It is my understanding that the Cracker rides hard! :sneaky:

def good to hear and hopefully he'll take care of it for you

ill let you know how the xjet keeps up, its been takin a beating already :haha: :sneaky:

ride hard or go home:headbang: :headbang:

Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
Hey Cracker, I had to fix my new Wammer Hood last year for the same thing, get some of the 5 minute epoxy that has the mixing tubes that come with it, just squirt it in the cracks then clamp......... Just did that today to my hood also.... Old Wammer Hood.


I hope that this will not happen to my newly installed custom painted Diablo hood for my roundie buildup. :bigeyes: I will definitely keep an eye on this thing. I will say that the liner to shell attachment seems to only be a U shaped section of fairly thin material between the two. If it seperates I will probably fix it myself rather than hassle with shipping and a potential long turn around time..
I hope that this will not happen to my newly installed custom painted Diablo hood for my roundie buildup. :bigeyes: I will definitely keep an eye on this thing. I will say that the liner to shell attachment seems to only be a U shaped section of fairly thin material between the two. If it seperates I will probably fix it myself rather than hassle with shipping and a potential long turn around time..

Thats basicaly were I am at.

I would definetly reinforce were the liner and shell are taped together...... I will probably use some scrap carbon to fix it.


and I never recieved my rideplat that was already paid for as well.

that wont last long flexes when you land and rubs on the pump...i tried spacing it out but then its not flush w/ the bottom of the boat...mines basically roached..ive had it for a few months....
the strongest hood IMO i have ever seen is a 24-7 carbon hood

That was the most quality hood I had ever seen previous too the Trinity SXR hood.... It defenitly costs a pretty penney.... I have not seen anything that the new owner of 24/7 has laid up..... not sure its worth the $ for 24/7 stuff anymore.

I will run this hood untill Bobby at Trinity Composites has his SJ hood available.... wich shouldnt be long! :Banane01: :biggthumpup: It will probably be in the neighborhood of 7lbs with hardware.....and I know how strong his SXR hood is at 8lbs with hardware and hood seel:purr:
that wont last long flexes when you land and rubs on the pump...i tried spacing it out but then its not flush w/ the bottom of the boat...mines basically roached..ive had it for a few months....

:banghead: Maybe I will see if he can just give me my $$$$ back for the rideplate.

I left him a message today.... guess I will see what happens..... this sport is getting expensive.... going big doesnt come cheap :purr:
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