Myrtle Beach Madness! Join In!

Huter Boi

BALLER on the Prowl.....
Hold onto your hats fellow racers! Going to the tour stops in Myrtle Beach?? Plan on staying an extra day or so to play! Why???? Go to and check it out! This new amusement park is having it's grand opening and its one of the coolest places I have ever seen! Its not far from the Spring maid where we are racing, so if enough people commit to wanting to go, I will try and get us a group rate. Post your intent here. This summer my goal is to have as much fun as possible on Tour... and to take as many with me as I can! The highlight of the park is a Led Zeppelin Roller Coaster and an Eagles coaster... just check out the site!!! Oh Yeah... and a heads up to 80s fans that Cheap Trick, Heart and Journey are playing the Orange Beach Ampitheater a few days after we race there... so save your vacation days!

Your Unofficial Social Director of the National Tour
( and favorite Filthy Pirate)
- Rob G:djsmilie:


Squarenose for the _____
Myrtle Beach, SC
Hell, I will go as part of a group rate if they don't give me a locals discount.

I live here, so of course I will be there. I won't be racing though


Jet zoomers
I was thinking of staying and trying to ride some surf. Maybe the following Monday? Think we could stay and ride right there at the Spring Maid?


Squarenose for the _____
Myrtle Beach, SC
My ski may or may not be done by then... it is going to be close. If I had to guess, I would say probably not. I am doing my best though, and if it is, I'd love to go riding with some of you guys that are going to be in town.

There' no more fun to be had than a Monday afternoon cruise down the strip with your friendly neighborhood promoter and a car full of loons on a mission to ride anything and everything that will make you scream in Myrtle Beach. I'm actually re-thinking hitting the stop simply because I had so much fun there last year.

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