Myrtlye Beach Next Weekend... whos going?

after getting my so called trophys from the orlando race few weeks ago i will not be wasting my $ on racing any more .im not even sure they are date , no placing 1st 2nd ...just "hot water" i realize its mikeys race but i will be watching , or helping someone out ,or drinking beer prob all 3!
after getting my so called trophys from the orlando race few weeks ago i will not be wasting my $ on racing any more .im not even sure they are date , no placing 1st 2nd ...just "hot water" i realize its mikeys race but i will be watching , or helping someone out ,or drinking beer prob all 3!

just be happy someone is promoting we are down to one promoter in region 8 and every race except for the first one is a 5-6 hour drive for me now and even further for the people that live south of me

but in answer to the orginal question. not gonne be able to make it. picking up the new boat this weekend so i wanna get some seat time on it first. probably gonna be at lake norman though


Squarenose FTW
Site Supporter
I will be there on Sunday to watch. :cheer:
I have a beach house at Ocean Isle Beach NC for the week to just chill and relax at the beach with the kids :arms:
thinking about bringing the skis :Banane01: :Banane01: :Banane01:


Why Me?
The Atl
We'll be there! Surf racing rules!!!!
Hurricane Bill Haig will be kickin some ass again for sure.

It would be better if we were actually gonna get surf though..they are only predicting 2 footers....I can fart a bigger wave than that!!!!!!!!

I want 5 to 6 footers!!!!!!


Squarenose FTW
Site Supporter
Im thinking about going, but dont know if I will bring a ski..... my g-ma lives in ocean isle, so I gotta free place to stay

i am rolling into ocean isle sat nite and going to myrtle on sunday morning to see the event!!! Got the SJ running (rebuilt carb) and need to test it on the lake tomorrow p.m. to see if I will take it to the coast (OIB that is, not Myrtle)
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