Super Jet Need a recomendation for impeller/ride plate/intake grate for a stock 92 Superjet 650

Need a recommendation for an aftermarket impeller, ride plate & intake grate for a stock 92 Superjet 650. Been running a lot out on the Columbia River in Eastern Oregon/Washington and it's choppy as hell most of the time. I would like to find a good combo to maximize rough water hookup and am not necessarily worried about losing a couple mph. Anybody send me their thoughts on parts and the cheapest place to get them? Also, is it better to go used or new. Let me know. Thanks.
I bought a used R and D intake grade off this forum. my ski is stock except that and I feel like it really helped me hook up in choppy water, also got rid mostly of that natural hop.
Which R & D intake did you end up getting? I saw that R & D has the Aquavein and the Aquavein Double Deep. How do the R & D intakes compare to something like the Worx WR201 Maxiloader?
im running the r&d aquevein, hooks up great in chop, not sure how it would compare to the worx, u can also blue print your pump, my sanding down all the casting inperfections. i can tell a big difference in hook up, from mid range to top end,
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