need advice for flying in

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The Penguin

triple secret probation
Jacksonville or Orlando?

flying in Thursday morning, flying out on Sunday

are there any car or limo services that runs to & from airport for a reasonable price so I don't have to rent a car?


We will be travelling down from Nashville on Thursday, but will not get to Jacksonville until late in the day or that night. If you end up arriving later just give us a ring and we could pick you up. You would have to find your own way back on Sunday although.

The Penguin

triple secret probation
not a direct flight from Houston. but, Delta does have a stopover in ATL - so looking at it right now.

continental routes through Newark to Daytona. Southwest doesn't fly there at all.

The Penguin

triple secret probation
who says penguins can't fly? :biggrin:

tickets are booked - see ya'll on Thursday!

is there a bus/shuttle service from Daytona airport to the hotel...or can someone come pick me up? I'll be arriving about 12:30 on Delta


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most airlines dont fly to daytona because most want to go to orlando, so they charge a premium ticket price to get to daytona, and most customers would rather rent a car, so a lot of airlines stopped flying there.
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