Other Need help finding this

I have an Rpot hydraulic trim tab setup on a 99 gp1200 and it needs a new Hydraulic slave cylinder. I have looked and looked and can't find much on where to buy one. Seems it's also used on the hydro space as the trim slave cylinder, at least they look the same. Saw a few things that suggest it is a magura product but can't find it on there site.

I have found it available through wAtcon for $160 as the hydro space part but was hoping maybe someone can help with a possible other source, maybe it's used for other applications as this trim setup was around long before the hydro space.

Any help would be great...thanks


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Sure...if that helps you help me find an alternative than I'll admit that...

Not going to blindly throw money at a part that maybe available elsewhere for less...was hoping to collectively use Info from the community to help...lots of old racers who might actually have information that could be helpful

OCD Solutions

Original, Clean and Dependable Solutions
Rentz, GA
I didn't find any viable replacements but I did see rebuild kits. Could that possibly be a cheaper alternative?

OCD Solutions

Original, Clean and Dependable Solutions
Rentz, GA
I saw them posted on ebay but I couldn't tell you if they are the correct ones for your application.

Your best bet would be to contact Magula direct and get a part number to shop with, that is assuming they are in fact a Magula component.
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