need some help with a couch

Hey guys my fiance's father asked me to sell his 99 GP 760 for him so this past weekend we went and picked it up. Well I went to get it ready to sell today and went to start it and nothing. I initially thought a dead battery so I charged the battery and tried starting it again and still nothing. By nothing I mean no click, no starter, nothing.

What could this be? Has the solenoid gone bad and if so how do I go about testing it? I know there is someway to jump the solenoid, but unsure of exactly how. I also thought maybe the connections were corroded and they weren't making a good connection, but I checked all of them and they look good. The ski has only like 50 hrs on it and all in freshwater so it's immaculate with no corrosion on it at all.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
i would in this order:
Sand all connections
then sand batt

If that doesn't do it you have it down to relay/starter. If it doesn't click its most likely the relay. The way to test for this is to jump the relay. im not sure and i cant look cause im at school if you have to open the box or not but most likley you may have to open the ebox and take a pair of plairs jump the relay if it works u need a new relay.

Or if you have a test light or meter take on prob to the batt on pos then the other one to the starter and hit the button and see if it lights.
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