Need some help with footholds

So I just bought a 2010 stock Superjet and it has footholds installed but the HydroTurf job is not good! The previous owner had them "Professionally" installed and does not know the make of the footholds were used. I need help figuring out which foothold they are. I want to make sure I get the right Hydro kit!
Took a look and let me know. Any tips for installing the new turf would be greatly appreciated.


IMG_0297.jpg IMG_0298.jpg IMG_0055.JPG


NE Tenn
There won't be a kit as Laxpro said,so you will need to buy a couple sheets of turf.Might as well figure new padding as well.
Best thing that will help you is making your own templates.That is the way to get a great looking job.
Those look like EME footholds and I would be surprised if they were professionally installed...they don’t look glassed in very well if at all and since you are redoing them you really should lay a couple layers over the seams.
IF funds allow I would replace them with a different style that gives you more room and a better foot position...but be prepared you will probably find wet foam in the tray so may want to research that topic.
Thanks for all your help guys! I think I will take your advise and remove them. I hope that the foam isn't soaked, I really don't want to have to go through all that work!:(

Thanks again,
Hey guys. Looking in to footholds. I see Toby's stuff pop up a lot. Unfortunately I can't PM just yet, I use PWC more...... Toby if you see this I'm interested in your footholds for a 90 SN.
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