Need trick for hydroturf edges

Attacked my first hydroturf job today and could use a little advice on how to stick the edges without the cement showing. I saw something on this a while back, but didnt take note at the here I am..................beggin for info.

I got this stuff at a auto detailer store call Pro Sol. Its adhesive removal stuff, and it will get that cement off. It took all extra cement off when i returfed my sxi last night! Just put it on there, then get some of this stuff and wipe the edges.


RN Surgery... soon
I'm filling all the edges of my tray with black silicone. Outdoor quality, UV resistant.

I know it will look different than the turf but I don't care, If its stays put I'll be happy, plus its easy to make silicone edges look good.
I was talking about anywhere turf meets the hull or paint. Since you cement both turf and hull, I was worried about going too far with the glue on the hull.
Thanks guys, I got some ideas now.
if youre worried about contact cement showing after its all done, just take a rag w/ some acetone and wipe down the visible cement. itll come right off.
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