Thanks for the info guys! I had called Art already once and didn't want to take up anymore of his time. His recommendation was a 2.5 needle with a 95 or 115 gram spring. He said something about the motor being a shaker that I really didn't understand at the time because I had never changed needle or springs in carbs. I think he said I may need to go lower on the needle valve to keep it sealed if the motor runs a bit rough. I've seen a bunch of posts in my research today that says a smaller needle valve will hold pressure better when the motor shakes.
The whole "shiny, dull,platinum, silver" thing really threw me off... I found a post showing a picture of the different springs and realized that what I thought was the "shiny" 65g silver spring was really the platinum 115 gram spring. So i popped it in an was able to get about 19 psi pop off. Took it out this afternoon and it definitely ran better than before but still seems to be struggling at idle for any extended periods of time so I just ordered a 2.0 needle valve and will play with getting the pop off up and see how it responds.
Thanks for the replys! I've learned a lot about carb tuning over the past week!