DO NOT SPEND 14,500 ON A SUPERJET, and stay far away from blowsion. They will just rape you on price and then will gouge the hell out of you on anything that they ship. There far better skis for all types of riding that you can buy for that kind of cash. I bought a new SJ in 2013 for 9k and even regret that. for your first ski your best bet would be buy used superjet for about 3-4k. Learn how to ride it and figure out what type of riding you prefer. The beauty of that price range is that even if you ride it for 3-4 years you will be able to sell it for what you paid or more. Plus lots of skis in that price range will have mods.
I would say if you are hell bent on getting a new superjet as your first ski, buy stock. It will be far more power than you need as your first ski. Then after a year or two when you figure out exactly what kind of riding you want to do you can sell it (probably at a 2k dollar loss though) and move toward purchasing an aftermarket ski that fits your riding style perfectly.
If you just have outrageous amounts of cash to blow on any ski of your liking browse the aftermarket section on here to get an idea of what hull would suit you best. There are hulls tailored toward surf riding, some made strictly for flatwater freestyle, there are race specific hulls, and there are some that work well for all types of riding. I wouldn't recommend going this route since you are new to the sport but if its this choice or a 14k SJ, this would be a better way to go.