NJ jetskiing off beach?

I am new to jetskis and just bought 2 js300's for a package deal 1 ran other was taken apart. 87 and and 88 sx
I wanna ride in the ocean but how do i bring my jetski onto the beach and into ocean and is it LEGAL I live central jersey and normally surf belmar spring lake seagurt seaside those areas. Any one know or can help me?
Im from southern NJ, right outside Wildwood, pretty sure there is nowhere in NJ you can launch from the beach legally during peak tourist season. During early spring, late fall and all through winter its still not legal but noone seams to bother me. Best you can get is ride out an inlet and ride surf after lifeguards are gone, still not legal but if you stay away from swimmers and surfers you can pretty much do whatever.
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