SX/SXi/SXi Pro No Spark - Plug Wires/Coil? Pictures inside.

SOLVED: Cut wires back

Are the plug boots that connect to the plugs themselves supposed to come apart from the wire? When I look at the wire itself, it appears broken or as if there isn't any wire there to begin with. [See picture below]. Is this the way they are supposed to be or are my wires busted?

If busted, where can I get a replacement? Everything I search doesn't look anything like what I have/need.

Or is there an easier fix such as just cutting the wire back until I have good wires?

Plug Brand:

Wire 1:

Wire 2:

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buy a set of MSD sprak plug boots from PEP boys or any other auto store. Get the one that comes with the tool to clamp the caps. Cut the wires a bit shorter until you have clean wire.
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