so the main problem was a bad start stop switch. when I unhooked the white and black wires on the switch the first time and it did nothing I ruled it out.
It did nothing because I only skimmed the msd instructions and didn't hook up the red wire in line with the fuse. I thought I read it was for the holeshot device and wasn't needed. I swapped to the stock cdi and still got no spark. (because start stop was hooked up) Then I double checked the flywheel key and timing and that was all good.
I finally unhooked the start stop again with the stock cdi and was getting spark.
. tried the msd again but no spark
. after a few more swaps I checked the msd instructions and saw the pink was for holeshot and the red needed voltage.
so now I guess the next step is to take apart the stop start and clean it??
or should I buy a new one???
or are there rebuild kits for them or anyone that refurbishes them??
thanks again everyone for the suggestions