Octane octane no spark on one cylinder


Lancaster PA
I have an octane that lost spark on one cylinder. Just replaced the stator and still no luck. I checked the spark plug wire end and it looks good. Anything else I can check out?


Lancaster PA
Now I am getting all kinds of different results. Sometimes I can get it to spark on one but not the other sometimes no spark at all and other times it has spark but its really weak. I tried to do the coil test out of the manual but I am getting reading that are not even close so I am sure its just my cheap meter. If it has spark at all its more then likely the coil and not the cdi right? I am trying to double check all my grounds but everything looks good. I am about to send the whole ebox to JSS and get it rebuilt but I want to make sure even if I do that if it will fix it.


Braap Certified
Blue Springs, MO
Get ahold of Randy at Watcon. He is the Octane expert. He also does repair and stocks the Octane parts. This kinda sounds like a problem that FlighRisk had on his Octane not that long ago. It turned out that his CDI was bad. Just contact Randy and he will walk you through some simple tests probably to find the problem.


Lancaster PA
Yea thats what I was planning on doing but he must have been busy today because I called him a few times. I am just trying to hurry up and get this done because this is a friends ski that is moving next week and I am the one doing all the work on it so I was just checking with you guys to see if you had any ideas that I could check tonight. I will give randy a call again tomorrow. Thanks


Lancaster PA
well I got it sparking good now on both plugs but dont ask me how because I have no clue. I am not liking the electrical setup at all so far on these octanes.
99% of the time its a weak battery.... A bad ground will also cause intermittent spark.
I offer a test service for $50.00 where you send me the complete electrical box and I diagnose / repair the problems..
The Polaris ignitions arent as bulletproof as the Yamaha, but they are easy to diagnose once you figure them out..

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