OMFG! I'm couchless!

Wolf Child

Just Another Octard
All over C. FL
I just sold my Polaris 785pro to my brother that lives in IN.

I'll miss the ol' girl (I've had 'er since '97), but I never ride that damn thing any more and I REALLY didnt want to haul it to FL so it could sit and rot.

He's excited, and in a weird kinda way, so am I.

Next up.... to load the short bus (non running), or say F-it, and pawn it off. I'm leaning toward the latter.

Cast your votes people. tomorow is the last day of packing.
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Wolf Child

Just Another Octard
All over C. FL
i say get rid of EVERYTHING, including that silly dr...I mean kawasaki

its time for you to go superjet, period. I listened, now YOU listen :)
I wanna listen, but I need to be able to ride one of those stupid yammhammers before I commit to buying one. being dragged around the atlantic on my face isn't my idea of fun. :banghead:
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