here is turbo626 steering cable after sunday.
he also lost that nice carbon chin pad on the ride home ;(
thong bandit got a couple of my cable and pole problem :AR15firing:
How'd the bent cable happen?
Since you just refoamed it, just glass it back up.
Waterlogging doesn't happen due to one weekend of water. It's a gradual thing.
here you go.
but the ski came away unscathed!!!!!!!!!!
How did I miss this?! Any vids? I just started trying rolls yesterday. First time in flat water with my new ski, and I really wanted to try it there before the surf. I can get halfway around on just my small setup wake. Can't wait to actually try a wave.i'll take some pics , but i craked the hood and hull next to it on friday doing rolls on the x2
flat water w/o wake just over half way w/ my lightly modded 650. ou were there u must have been facing the wrong way.
the first 1 was w/ kawaboy right behind me. i thought he was going to fall out