Picked up two new-to-me kawasaki sxi pro's for 300$!!!!


Camp Superjet!
Naples, Florida
I got these two ski's yesterday, :)

Turns out the one was a 2001 sxi pro
The other was a 1999 sxi pro

One is black and green :veryhappy:
The other is purple and pink :cheer2:

I got both of these ski's for 300$ but the guy said he had a beach cart but, oh well... i didn't get it. He misplaced it. Meanwhile, i got a helluva deal! I went and played my two hockey games, came over to my uncles house, got both the engines out of the ski's. Now they are sitting on the shelf. lol. The 1999 engine is toast. We beat the poop out of the piston trying to get it freed from the cylinder. But, no luck.... The 2001, the one i want to keep. We dumped Marvel Mystery oil in the pistons and the cylinders slid right out. Crank freed up, now all i need is some new gaskets.. and a few other things!

The people that owned these never rode them, but when they did... probably only 5-10 times, i don't think they ever washed them out. When My uncle and I pulled the engines, sand was pouring out of everywhere. Not a good scene.

The waterbox on the 1999, pink and purple, is shot. I took a photo of it, these people didn't take care of them at all. The turf looks almost brand new, along with the decals. Oh well, I'll get one running... then if i can find a running 750 motor, that i can drop in easily, ill get the other running. Its a nice winter project

But all in all, i think i got a great deal.
I will have a running sxi pro, and an sxi pro with everything minus the engine for 300$.


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Camp Superjet!
Naples, Florida
FYI...99 sxi pros where not pink and white, thats probably a 95 sxi...check the last two digits of the vin and it will tell you for sure.

Still a great deal though...

hmm i coulda sworn i read the VIN 99 blah blahh, but i read it at like midnight half asleep so it may be a 95. I may part it out... only the pink and white one. Idk yet...
did they make sxi's in '95? I thought it was only '96 and '97, then the sxi pro's started in '98.

If so it would make it a 750sx.

I of course could be mistaken though.


Camp Superjet!
Naples, Florida
sorry for the wrong info guy's.

Its a 2001
and a 1995 sxi.

I may part them out.... so if any one needs anything off the 1995 let me know. Im going to start parting the 95 then work over to the other one...


Camp Superjet!
Naples, Florida
sfl i will take a picture of the engine tonight...

The piston is stuck inside the cylinder...

I can't get it free, no matter what I try to do...

Maybe you know something that i could do?
The 2001, the one i want to keep. We dumped Marvel Mystery oil in the pistons and the cylinders slid right out. Crank freed up, now all i need is some new gaskets.. and a few other things!

if that crank was locked up and you freed it up do not run it! it will grenade and take out your whole motor. Great deal though.


Super Hero, with a cape!
St. Pete, FL
I had an engine that had very badly seized pistons in it, maybe you can try what I did.

Get a chizzle/punch. Something you can beat with a hammer that is about 3/8" in diameter or larger at the end in contanct with the piston. Get the biggest hammer you have and a lot of WD40. Take off the bolts on the bottom of the crank case so that the bottom of the crank case and seperate from the top. Beat the piston in the middle (or drill a hole in it if you want, you'll punch a hole anyway) and you can rest the punch on the head of the crank. You can beat the edges too, they wont punch through.

Beat it out on the street, not the driveway. It takes about 30 mins. You better be a patient person and like swinging a hammer.

It's not really worth it. Sell it to the next guy as a core and let him deal with it. It's not going to be worth more than a few bucks extra with the pistons out.
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