Pissed!!! Going to miss Daytona again

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Mike W

North Florida
Well I registered for the Daytona freeride earlier today and then I thought I better check my drill schedule again. And to my disbelief I f'ing drill Jan 11-13. :banghead: It must of changes since the last time I checked a couple months ago.
Last year I missed it because I was deployed now this year I have military obligations. If this wasn't my fulltime job I would quit. Needless to say I'm a little pissed!!!


St. Clair, MI
Yeah, same here. My work wont allow me to fly to FL instead of MI even though it's the same price either way. The only reason is because it benefits me. :mad:

Mike W

North Florida
hey bro....there'll be a bunch of us there thurs and friday...

if you want to swing thru you can whore a boat for sure!

Thanks for the support guys. I love what I do and I have the best job in the world IMO. I wouldn't do anything else but drill ALWAYS falls at the most screwed up times.:soapbox:

I MIGHT be able to swing by on Thursday if I can get off work. I have drill starting Friday night going all the way thru Sunday. I'm a full time Guardsman so it is hard as hell to get time off just before drill. I will just have to get alot of work done so I can. We'll see.
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