Super Jet Primer lines good tubing?


Dirty Water Bikers
Was wondering if anyone had some good recomdations on primer line that doesnt rot or harden and possible to get colored?

Thanks for any help

Fro Diesel

creative control
Cold fusion. Check out their new fuel and primer line. Great product, will not get hard and crack.

Sent from Fro Diesel using Tapatalk.


I'm Baaaack!
Mobile, AL
I've had good luck with the yellow oregon brand tygon type line. They reformulated somewhat recently and its said to tolerate up to 25% ehtanol now. I've used this line for several years and still have some that's pliable from 5-6 years ago. I've only seen it in yellow though. I get mine from a small engine shop by my house. Its sold as fuel line for weed eaters, chain saws, etc. It can be a bit pricey but you get what you pay for.
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