Problems staying logged in


How did I get here?
Fort Worth
I click on the 'remember me' box everytime, but when I close and reopen my browser it always makes me relog in.

This didn't start happening till I restored my windows using system restore.

Any ideas to see what I can poke at to fix this? It sounds like a cookie problem to me...


So long and thanks for all the fish
Log in with it checked, then log out, then log back in, that should reset it.

If not, then you need to delete the cookie off your computer manually, just google it for your browser.


How did I get here?
Fort Worth
Thanx Jett!!

That was faster then I expected. :)

I'll do it first thing after I get back from the lake and post if I have problems.


How did I get here?
Fort Worth
FYI: It was a cookie problem.

I couldn't get the problem resolved w/o reinstalling firefox.

Firefox keeps cookies in a different location then MIE.
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