Problems with higher rpm, please help

I've been having problems with my 2012 superjet. So at the start of be season I got er out and was riding no problems for like 20 minutes or so and then it started to lose power for just like a second or two but enough to where I could definitely feel it, then shortly after if I was working the throttle pretty good (carving hard) or sustained a higher rpm (just tucking across the water) it would just quit and wouldn't start for like 10 seconds or so then would fire back up and do the same thing over again. I want to say it's acting like an exhaust leak, so I ran it with the hood off and when I was tucking across the water not quite at full throttle it bogged down super bad until I slowed almost to falling over but never fully died like it did with the hood on. And that honestly just made me more confused.. I'm super lost and any input would be much appreciated. Please help, thanks guys.

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And also when I ran it with the hood on as soon as it died I popped the hood to see if I could see or smell exhaust and I could not

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I think your engine seized. Same happened to mine! I live in denmark. What happens is your pistons getting super hot and the cold water circulating around your engine cooling down your sleeves too much. So when your pistons expand under heat your sleeves are not expanding at the same rate. Basically your overcooling the engine. You can take your head off and slowly rotate the coupler. Im 100% that you will see scratches on the inside of the sleeve from the piston. If you keep doing this you will scratch it up to the point where you loose compression and all sorts of things happen. To be safe check compression on both cylinders and take the head off to confirm the scratches. My compresssion was fine and it has happened twice on mine. The trick is apparantly to restrict the line going to the pisser for us people riding in super cold climates.

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This is what the scratches will look like.

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So I could just test compression to see if this is the issue or do I HAVE to pull the head off?? If so what should I look for in compression??

And thanks so much for your help man

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Of course man. Np. I would check compression to see if the engine is ok. (Which im sure it is). Should be around the 150 psi mark on both cylinders. Then pull your head off if you want to be sure what the problem was. Its sure easy. 10 bolts. But you need a torque wrench to fasten them again.

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Been out of town. So I checked the compression and it was 145/150. Well within acceptable range, right? So could it still be this issue (I'm just nervous about pulling the head)

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Super Hero, with a cape!
St. Pete, FL
Been out of town. So I checked the compression and it was 145/150. Well within acceptable range, right? So could it still be this issue (I'm just nervous about pulling the head)

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Yes, it could still be an issue, just means maybe you are lucky and didn't damage anything too badly. It may also not be your issue at all. I wouldnt rebuild it for that. Definitely make sure you are not seizing it with cold or clogged jets.
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