Pulled my first trick yesterday

Well bro's i have been riding stand ups for a grand total of 1 hour and pulled this. Needless to say i was stoked, now its time to learn a sub and a barrel roll. Any tips for those tricks?


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Winona MN
uhh u dont just learn a barrel role after a fountain. Anyone can do a fountain look in the trick how to forum for how to do tricks
By the way the spray looks it is a kawi and with out the hood mod you are taking on a TON of water in a few seconds of fountain fun. I just put a crank in for a :newbie: He thought fountains were a blast.

But do a search there are a TON of instructional pages on those two tricks.


Backflip, weeee
Marietta, GA.
footholds? You ride a kawi 750 it looks like, those things are a beast to roll...I have trouble off boat wakes with my friends bolt on sxi. they are just oafy
By the way the spray looks it is a kawi and with out the hood mod you are taking on a TON of water in a few seconds of fountain fun. I just put a crank in for a :newbie: He thought fountains were a blast.

But do a search there are a TON of instructional pages on those two tricks.

Good guess on the ski man its a 94 750 and yes it did take on alot of water when i did that. I'm doing some research right now on the hood mood you talked about.
footholds? You ride a kawi 750 it looks like, those things are a beast to roll...I have trouble off boat wakes with my friends bolt on sxi. they are just oafy

No foot holds yet i was gonna wait until i repaint it this winter to install some footholds. You said these 750's are oafy, are they that bad for doing tricks on? I don't want to waste my time and money on a ski if its junk to start off with.


Backflip, weeee
Marietta, GA.
I applaud that you are stepping back and asking that question. Most people just stick with what they have and just dump money into there ski than end up selling it.

You will get the same answer from me and everybody on this site. Superjet!!! They are light, easier to throw around, reliable, with a lot of knowledge to be given on this site. And have a higher re-sale value than kawi's. You can search the site there are a few posts about why to buy a superjet over anything else.
I agree with Jeepmark you will get the same answer from almost everybody. But I would say since you got the ski learn the basics but don't put a ton of money into your Kawi. Because the first time you ride a SJ you will be amazed at how easy it is to jump out of the water. That 50 pounds that the Kawasaki has over the SJ is a Lot of weight.

Just watch for a good deal on a SJ. You can also do a search on the topic buying modded vs buying a ski to build. And within a few months you can find a super deal on a SJ
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