What’s the order of these seals and which way do they face?
K Kbauer8 Location New york Jul 21, 2019 #1 What’s the order of these seals and which way do they face?
Sasquachcrap Location North Carolina Jul 21, 2019 #2 Flip the one on the left. It goes in first. Then the one on the right goes in as it’s setting then the propwasher on the shaft.
Flip the one on the left. It goes in first. Then the one on the right goes in as it’s setting then the propwasher on the shaft.
K Kbauer8 Location New york Jul 21, 2019 #3 Sasquachcrap said: Flip the one on the left. It goes in first. Then the one on the right goes in as it’s setting then the propwasher on the shaft. Click to expand... Thanks for the help.
Sasquachcrap said: Flip the one on the left. It goes in first. Then the one on the right goes in as it’s setting then the propwasher on the shaft. Click to expand... Thanks for the help.
tomski X Location LHC Jul 22, 2019 #4 Sasquachcrap said: Flip the one on the left. It goes in first. Click to expand... The first seal should be installed as pictured.
Sasquachcrap said: Flip the one on the left. It goes in first. Click to expand... The first seal should be installed as pictured.