put a new end on a cable?

alright long story short, i pulled the motor out of my ski to see where it was leaking water, fixed that problem put everything back together. last thing to put on was my throttle cable i went to put it into place (really difficult because my ski has NO room because the motor is set back) ended up touching the hot end of the battery and ZAP and no my cable has a cut in it, its not all the way through but it will break eventually. the crappy part was i had the rubber boots over the battery terminal and the cable touch the millimeter of terminal showing on the side. so is there a place to by a new end and just crimp it on or whatever? it still has plenty of cable left to do that.

EDIT: i know i shouldnt have had the battery hooked up, but it was such a hassle to do i just wanted it over with haha.
yeah my throttle cable is damaged, i priced a new one and they are only 35 bucks retail and i could get one for 21 so i will probably just get new. i was thinking that they were something like 70 bucks for some reason.
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