Questions regarding wraps


This Is The Way
Staff member
My ski is currently wrapped but the bottom deck has seen better days and overall I would like to change the look of the ski.
Who has removed one and how bad was it? I usually use a sticker wheel to remove small stickers but I don't think it would have the desired effect on a thick wrap.
How hard is it to put a new one on? I am on the fence about removing this one or riding it out for another season but if I do, it's likely getting wrapped in a solid color wrap. Is this something I should even consider tackling or am I forced to pay out the nose to have a pro do it?


This Is The Way
Staff member
So it would seem that removal isn't too difficult, my plan is to leave it out in the sun once it warms up here then attack it with a heat gun.

So how hard is it too install, youtube makes it look easy with some soap solution, a plastic scraper and some patience. The plan is to just buy a roll of the vinyl I want and cut it as I lay it on, is this a pipe dream?
Install will vary per ski, per wrap and your own patience I imagine... I wouldn't even try to re-wrap an Aquabot with all the small surface areas it has. A stock superjet I wouldn't mind giving it a shot on... Are the pieces big like a full wrap covering all the surfaces? (more chance for bubbles/creases) or is it just smaller graphics on top of your base paint? (easier to apply, can be done in sections)


This Is The Way
Staff member
I want to rewrap my XFT, full wrap, solid color. Seems like a pretty simple wrap due to the hull design (no weird angles or edges). I will only be doing the topdeck and hood.

This is what it currently looks like.



This Is The Way
Staff member
Man, if it were me... I'd just ride it. It looks fine. I was expecting something in a lot worse shape lol. Why do you have a hard on to make it a different color? Save the money and your time and put that cash into a power upgrade.
You sound like my wife :) (besides the power upgrade). Honestly I really like where my driveline setup is at, it fits my riding style perfectly. I am putting a new motor together now and would like to update the exterior of my ski to look as nice as the inside will.

I have found that it is easier to remove decals/wraps with the heat gun when it is cooler out then not. The cold decal remains tough and good for applying pull pressure. In the heat the vinyl gets soft and stretches to a point where it will rip easily. Even at that it's still really not an issue, I have just found that a colder vinyl is easier to remove in one foul swoop with a heat gun than not. Just remember to gloss the heat at and just ahead of the fold where the vinyl is pulling off of the hull. I have had to remove decals almost every year now since my clear coat never stood up to the water, you tend to find the quick and easy route when the job becomes sickening to do lol

Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
Install will vary per ski, per wrap and your own patience I imagine... I wouldn't even try to re-wrap an Aquabot with all the small surface areas it has. A stock superjet I wouldn't mind giving it a shot on... Are the pieces big like a full wrap covering all the surfaces? (more chance for bubbles/creases) or is it just smaller graphics on top of your base paint? (easier to apply, can be done in sections)
The bots are just multiple sections. Should be pretty easy.

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This Is The Way
Staff member
Stringer Washers

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Stringer washers are those things that you posted from CPPerformance, those are used to hold an engine mount to the stringer of a boat. Generally, they are just aluminum fender washers. These ones are designed for metric hardware, the stringer washers are only for standard hardware (at least those particular ones).


Super Hero, with a cape!
St. Pete, FL
I was able to wrap my pole with not much issue. Mistake i made was trying to do it in one piece. Should have done a top piece and a bottom piece. Came out good overall but i wpuld just do a bottom and then a top piece if i did it again.

I would suggest you try a piece first on a complex shape to see how the material works. I got a stretch mark from too much heat. No heat it was tough to lay anything flat, it wasnt too bad to heat but it was very easy to get too hot, then it would sag and stretch. Wrapping something complicated and small first, like putting some on an old helmet, would give you a feel for the temps before you try the bigger core coastly ski.

You should not plan to do this byyourself either. One person to hold the extra would be good. You can easily ruin it by letting it touch itself glue to glue or getting lint on the glue. The 4x2 piece i used for my pole was somewhat challenging. The more backing you can remove the easier to work but the more likely to let it touch somethint it shouldnt

Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
Stringer washers are those things that you posted from CPPerformance, those are used to hold an engine mount to the stringer of a boat. Generally, they are just aluminum fender washers. These ones are designed for metric hardware, the stringer washers are only for standard hardware (at least those particular ones).
I wish I could have found some like these, I had to use a countersink bit to make my Flathead Standard Sockethead bolts fit down flush.


This Is The Way
Staff member
I wish I could have found some like these, I had to use a countersink bit to make my Flathead Standard Sockethead bolts fit down flush.
They are all over Ebay, just search M6 or M8 aluminum washer, all different diameters, countersink styles and colors.


This Is The Way
Staff member
I tried to put a wrap on my ski once, will never do it again. I'd suggest paying to have it done the right way
That's what I was afraid of, I think the wrap will stay on for one more season.
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