Races near MD?

I ride Severn the most. Got a few spots I launch at. Ride more up between the rt 50 an navy bridge. All the spots I have access to are private neighborhoods.

Also over the narrows a lot with the crew.


I'm moved by DASA power!
No dice on racing local recreationally, some guys still run buoys on an odd evening hard, but they broke up that decent ride spot when the HOA had issue with noise. I'm sure guys would be own to ride, just need to find a new spot. We ride freestyle every weekend going big if you wanna switch genres.


back from the dead
super old thread i know, but i moved to Maryland about a year ago, and finally decided yo put my ski back in the water, i will be running bouys if anyone is down.

the biggest hurtle i am coming across are the laws here, do i need to get a permit like we did in California? there are a few coves where i am and im planning on taking one of them over to set up bouys
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