Rattle at idle.


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Cleveland Ohio
My ski rattles like crazy when I am at low rpms. Sounds frickin horrible and vibrates all over hell. As soon as I get the r's up just a little, it sounds fine.

I feel it in my feet, so I think it is the pump...

Any ideas?


Customizing addict
Macon, GA
Agreed...Trying to adjust idle screws or mixture screws with a screwdriver on any ski I've wrenched on while the engine is idling is completely hopeless. They just shake all over the place!

It could be something serious but I chalk it up to normal. If the engine lurches when you give it gas out of water, you may want to up the idle a tad.
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My ski rattles like crazy when I am at low rpms. Sounds frickin horrible and vibrates all over hell. As soon as I get the r's up just a little, it sounds fine.

I feel it in my feet, so I think it is the pump...

Any ideas?

that raddle is 105 HP of raw two stroke power... purrring....:cheer2:
An odd thing about that rattle....

For years my stock 650 sj made the rattle and everyone assured me it was common so I didn't worry about it.

But last winter I rebuilt pretty much everything on the ski including rebuilding the pump, plus lots of engine mods and the rattle is now gone.

I would love to know precisely which parts make that rattle.


LKN Freestyle Militia
Lake norman, nc
I dont think it is as normal as everyone says. My old SN rattled but my new one rattles alot more.

DJ, is it rattling way more that your last ski? Or more than last time you rode it?


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Cleveland Ohio
Way more than my last ski.....
NOT NORMAL.... I don't think its the motor...sounds like pump or drive shaft?????

Same pump.
Same motor.
Same Carbs.
Same carb settings.
Same pipe.
Same everything except hull and I put in a new impeller (another stocker)
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Half a roll
Lake Michigan
My sj rattles pretty bad too at low R's. The hood shakes, and the hood clamp rattles. This isn't so much at idle as it is at like 1/8 throttle...not sure what it is. I wouldn't say the engine sounds bad, it's more of just the rattling that sounds bad. Could that be what you're hearing?


is it that" kawi /seadoo pump rattle" that is worse with no load on the pump?
and not so bad in the water? or a different rattle?

i didn't really hear it today korn? at least on the water. when you made that first run back to the docks and started it on the log i heard
some low idle sounds.

i didn't ride your rig today though so maybe it was something way different than what i heard


Site Supporter
Cleveland Ohio
I actually heard it more in the water at low R's. It shakes the whole damn ski. Kawis rattle a little, but this is worse. I'll figure it out.

Gonna rebuild the pump....


Customizing addict
Macon, GA
Is your new hull any more or less cramped than the last hull? Maybe unrestricted the motor vibrates the same but if the pipe or something is bound up by the side of the hull, it would transfer the vibration and be much more noticeable. My SJ felt like it was going to snap a motor mount for a little while. I actually lowered the idle a tad and put turf between the hull and pipe chamber and it went away.
Korn I heard it too but didn't ride it enough to get a feel for it. It is bad though.....almost sounds like a rod knocking or something boinking the hull......I just don't get it.


V watch your daughters V
Waterford, MI
Maybe you have a bad motor mount. But you did just put that pump together, right? Maybe there is something wrong in there.


thanks darin...noswad!
pump bearings, worn splines they need grease, bent impeller or damaged stator veins, bent driveshaft, driveline bearings, check them all. 650 sx ski's always had that rattle, it was usually sloppy splines with no grease.


Life's Been Good
Upper Bucks, PA
blown pump bearings right? My buddy didn't catch it in his 550sx just chalked it up to being old. The entire pump was trashed. The impeller and wear ring ate one another and the loose bearings blew out the back of the stator section. It also took out the mid shaft carrier.
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