Super Jet Re-install, start, smoke - Help!


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new jersey
Tore down this ski for winter build, re-installed everything, tried starting and only heard buzz/hum and negative terminal started to smoke.

What I did prior to starting : hooked starter plugs (black-black, clear-clear), ground line from ebox to bolt on block I think from starter, new plugs, positive cable from ebox to battery, negative from under engine to battery.

Battery was in garage all winter, so I threw it on the battery tender. After 1 1/2 days the green light appeared. Can these trickle chargers bring back a battery or just maintain?


This was a good working battery last year, as was the rest of the ski.

Engine and ebox were stored in my basement all winter. When I picked it all up to re-install, the ebox had condensation on outside. Although ,it has been humid lately.

Did I fry anything? Or just a new battery?
Kiowa, KS
Definitely recheck your wiring. The e box should be grounded through the stator.

Sent from my SCH-I500 using Tapatalk 4 Beta


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new jersey
Got her running, I'm an idiot who has never put a ski back together. I had ebox cable for starter and mounted it on manifold block. Guess thats why there was smoke! Aftert installing anew battery and sprayed a little fuel mix in the cylinders, im off to the boat launch. Thanks
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