Other Reinforcing engine compartment question

Im going to be laying some carbon fiber in the engine compartment on my RN.
I assume the best thing to do is to glass the upper cap to the hull?
Or is it better to keep them separate for some reason?


Arlington TX
I think there is a sticky on this somewhere, and there is defintely lots of threads.... but...............

Chip out the green glue between the top and bottom decks.

Clean the SMC bottom deck with acetone or wax and grease remover (very important).
Sand top and bottom with 36 grit. (vacuum.... duh)
Acetone again.

This gets the mold release off the bottom deck so your composite adheres.

Next, make pattern for CF or cut it out to fit. Then wet it out with epoxy resin and apply.

Its good to apply CF and peanut buttery cabosil mixture at the same time because it creates a single solid unit.

Joining the two halves is a big part of reinforcing. Makes it much stronger. Be sure to fill the bond line with some thickened epoxy and sand it flush with the two halves of the hull to get the carbon to lay flat with no air bubbles.
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