Replacing Rod on crankshaft?


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Bent on a rod on my zxi1100. (dicking off and got sucked in too much water) Other then that the crank is low hour pristine oem.. Rather then dropping 500$ on a new one from SBT I figure I would try fixing it myself then taking it to the local shop to have it trued. Any tips on removing and installing a new rod on the PTO side of a zxi 1100 crankshaft?
I have done all the bearings on a cuyuna 440 crank in my ski free. It's not too hard, but does take time and patience. You will need a press, dial indicator with stand and some metal to make up fixtures to press it apart and together. I used a 4 pound dead blow to tap (beat the licorice out of) it back into phase as I pressed it together.
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