Custom/Hybrid Rickter XFS with full size tank issue


iv slowly been building my xfs up over the past few months and last night got the engine and b pipe fitted, the engine is fitted all the way forward with extended coupler and the tank is a s**t to get in, as the rubber pipe from the water box is so low it causes massive issues getting the tank in.

my question is,

do i need to run the rubber hose higher than it currently is, will this make it easier to get the tank in?
what else can i do to make this fit easier, i dont want to have to slacken the chamber of the pipe off just to get the tank in and out




Arlington TX
I don't have a XFS, but I hate it when I ask questions and nobody responds...

What tank are you using? Just curious.

On my SJ, I put a little silicone on the exhaust hose out of the waterbox to help the tank slip past. If the hose slips off the bulkhead/ firewall exhaust fitting easily, you could try pulling it to the top right corner of the engine bay hole? I dunno, i'm just guessing on that.

Maybe someone with a XFS will chime in. GL!
I ran a stock fuel tank for a bit in my xfr. I only switched because a cart tank cleaned up my engine bay significantly. I had no issues putting the stock tank in. Ill see if i can find some pics to help you out
Ok mate thanks. I dunno if its cause I use the ltd pipe (longer) that seems to stop it but I will have another go in the week and see if its still as bad.

I may just have to fit the exhaust in once the tank is in


TigerCraft FV-PRO
I built a XFS a couple months ago and I'm running ltd b-pipe, both drive shaft spacers, x-metal water box and aluminum exhaust tube, if i could do it again i would run the stock rubber exhaust tube. The alum. ex. tube doesn't compress like the stock rubber one so it is more difficult to install the tank, but IMO it looks cooler :laugh2:.

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