risor bar pads for surf stance

its a x metal plate,just looks long in the pic. RR plate is way to short unless you have a stock length pole. Ive managed to hit my knee on the bottom of the pole where the bolts come though the steering anyway so I padded that also,padding is diamond plate gymnastics flooring.Anyone running riser bars will find out sooner than later,pain is in your future


Virginia Beach
Heh, that does look like a long plate in the pic dude. And what's up with you still having your gay Barbie toys for your avatar? There should be a dozen sick ass pics on Dan's cam of your full extended can cans you were doing Sunday.

"Kill a flip flop" lmao
short answer,if bars are set at a 45 deg angle they give you a little extra room to get over the back on reintres when pole is very low,when the pole is up it is the opposing angle that shortens the pole a bit to get more forward on surf rolls.It helped me a ton or I wouldnt put up with it,knee bashing and making it pita to run a trim system and stock start stop,and the pita cables being high and rubbing the chinpad that is now cut all to hell to keep it out of the way. along with slightly harder boarding.........even all that bs and its still worth it
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