Was a terrific time in Pacific City this last weekend...gorgeous weather, great crowd, amazing rides....I didn't even bother to take pics of the riding as we had the pros in the house (Ludo from FullGaz made the trek all the way from France with PJ and Pierre).
I do however have some good "color" pics....
Special thanks to John Dady for taking such awesome care of us this weekend. I was housed with Ross (Champion) Mike (Serlin), Ludo Maunet (FullGaz.com), Pierre Maxient, PJ (Paul Jean from France as well) and Brad....whom I've known for years, but don't know his last name...LOL!
Randy Laine stayed right across the street from us, so it was very handy at about 3:00 a.m. to come home and "serenade" him since he was too big of a weiner to come to the Bildgewater with us Saturday night and do the drunken Kareoke thing with everyone...LOL! Wish I'd had the camera handy when I pantsed RL while he stood in on the tailgate of his truck on Sunday though - now THAT was some funny stuff!
Here's a few shots....
Dean Morton (formerly of Jet Trim...with big stuff in the works for watercraft soon!) and I enjoying the beach party
Joe Kenney and the Chick Du Jour...and some old bag...
Party Tosser Extrodinaire - John Dady - finally gets a chance to have some fun
Pierre Maxient and that old bag again...LOL!
Camped out by the kegs....
We couldn't stop laughing this weekend - Good Times! Serlin and I self pic
Ludo loves bewbies...
More to come...the Fullgaz pics are hilarious! Ludo is on his way to Estonia and then will post tons of amazing shots (including the jaw-dropping riding) that went on this weekend.