SXR Runs on trailer wont go above Idle in Water

I am having an issue with my 2008 SXR 800. I recently changed the steering cable and for some reason now the engine wont go above idle when it is in the water? It runs fine and pulls RPM on the trailer but anytime it is in the water it fails to go above idle. It has a wetpipe installed as well as dual cooling. I'm wondering if anyone has experienced anything like this before. I am assuming its an exhaust issue with the cooling water as I had to pull the pump to change the steering cable and can't think of anything else that would be effected by the changing of a steering cable. It could also just be a coincidence that this happened the same time as I changed the cable. It seems as though it is in some kind of safe mode from overheating. But with the wetpipe installed that should be bypassed. Any input is greatly appreciated!

Thanks, Alex
Pull the Airbox off the carb and watch to see if the butterfly's open when you give it throttle in the water. Figure out if the butterfly's are working first. I suspect something is binding or routed wrong when you swapped out the cable.
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