Search for the elusive old Honda motorcycle.


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Fort Worth
I'm getting ready to look at a 1999 kx 100 that the seller says doesn't have a title because he never needed 1 since it's off-road only.

I've never heard of a bike that has a motor and no title before. Have you?

I live in NM.
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I'v bought and sold bikes with no titles before its not totally uncommon. If it were a late model bike and or was very cheap I would be suspicious. One time I bought a bike way under priced from someone, I had the police to a search on the vin to make sure it wasent stolen. I've had a bike stolen before, I was/am very upset about it. Make sure you at least get a bill of sale.
in FL at least... street legal bikes are usually titled, but dirt/offroad bikes usually just have only a mfg MSO

i just recently bought a brand new dirtbike and all you get is an MSO certificate.

hope this helps
Every dirtbike I have bought has had a title. The 4 we have right now have titles. They are Hondas and Yamaha and none of them were bought new. I think the biggest reason for titles is so every time they transfer ownership there is a record of the sale and more importantly the cost so the government can collect the tax on the sale.
Every dirtbike I have bought has had a title. The 4 we have right now have titles. They are Hondas and Yamaha and none of them were bought new. I think the biggest reason for titles is so every time they transfer ownership there is a record of the sale and more importantly the cost so the government can collect the tax on the sale.

you sure they are titles or mini-title looking things (MSO's)? my brand new 06 yz450 didnt have a title.. neither did my '03 450.. both florida bikes...


ISJWTA member #2
NW Arkansas
all of the dirtbikes I have ever bought or traded for came with titles.

A couple said HONDA, one says YAMAHA, one we even call PEEWEE

maybe you should call your local DMV and ask, rather than seek opinions from a bunch of stranger asshats here from irrelevant to you locations?

or not, maybe you should just buy it, come up with your own title, I suggest " bitch scooter" and ride on.
you sure they are titles or mini-title looking things (MSO's)? my brand new 06 yz450 didnt have a title.. neither did my '03 450.. both florida bikes...

They are definitely titles. Just like my cars. Certificate of title issued by the state of Florida. Here is one from my lastest that I have not transferred yet.


  • P4290121.JPG
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lone wolf
in florida everything has had mso since 2000,you need the mso to get the title when a bike is long as you have the mso you can get a title.if you dont have either then you are focked


lone wolf
Looks like there may have been a lien on that title at 1 time.

May I ask what make/model that title is for?

all fla titles have the place for the leinholders info.if that area is filled out when you buy then you must make sure you also get a certificate of release of lein or you are not getting a clear title and ownership canot be transferred
my bike is paid off. i guess you have to send in for an actual title? i did all my paperwork at the dealership when i bought mine. interesting. i didnt know dirtbikes had titles here.
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