Other serious discussion about surfing vs jetskiing


havin fun
clearwater FL
Okay so I was in the store looking at two surf magazines and I wanted to see what kinds of advertising was in them. since that is what pays for the mag. well I dont see anything in there that we dont use as well.

here is what I found
wetsuits- um holy crap every page just about! we wear em too.
sunglasses- yeah that has alot to do with surfing but whatever. anybody own a pair?
clothes(mainly board shorts)- again, everybody has em.

some things that may have been in there or werent but should be
shoes- I mean if glasses can be in there why not round out the whole outfit?
insurance- car and ski
hats and t-shirts everybody likes swag.
I did not see any board makers, I saw an article about a new shaped board.
I saw a hardware set for tethers for boards but no tethers.
what about dakine?

I realize a lot of these companies or products are not huge and my list is incomplete to be sure. but mainly I cant see why it would be so hard for say jetpilot to get behind jetskiing in a mag. or any of the watersports companies. are there really that many surfers in the world? its not like just anybody can do it. that has to limit the sport, you need a place to ride, AND it has to have waves. so that limits it even more.

again I dont live in cali or sebestian so I may be off the mark a little but sponsorship wise, what is so attractive about surfing to want to advertise in a magazine but its not for jetskiing?

I dont want to overpopulate our ride spots but at the same time I would like to see the sj and sxr stick around. life would be pretty dull without them.


are there really that many surfers in the world?


again I dont live in cali or sebestian

Sebby can't hold a candle to Cali when it comes to surfers; surfers litter the surf out there (we are lucky).

but mainly I cant see why it would be so hard for say jetpilot to get behind jetskiing in a mag. or any of the watersports companies.

I agree (nothing against Madsc's efforts or the efforts of anyone else who has tried thus far), just think it takes hooking up with the right person within each corporation at the right time with the right pitch...


havin fun
clearwater FL

Sebby can't hold a candle to Cali when it comes to surfers; surfers litter the surf out there (we are lucky). more surfers than say riders at daytona?

I agree (nothing against Madsc's efforts or the efforts of anyone else who has tried thus far), just think it takes hooking up with the right person within each corporation at the right time with the right pitch...I guess we are just too darn tight with out money. surfers need what a board and wax. we have way more to service than that.

what would you guess the total number of surfers in fla vs jetskis(you can include sitdowns or not) and what is the number of surfers in cali vs jetskis. eastcoast, westcoast totals? just curious. cause if its like 90/10 then I could see why but if you include sitdowns since they use all the same products I think the numbers should be close. but again as I pointed out, I am not in the surfing scene.


what would you guess the total number of surfers in fla vs jetskis(you can include sitdowns or not) and what is the number of surfers in cali vs jetskis. eastcoast, westcoast totals? just curious. cause if its like 90/10 then I could see why but if you include sitdowns since they use all the same products I think the numbers should be close. but again as I pointed out, I am not in the surfing scene.

Super poor quality pic of a super light surf day at a place I like in SoCal, and this is only a sectional view There were probably 100-200 out at that time actually/good day it's much more. (I might look for a better pic, but I imagine one of the Cali boyz could just as easily toss one up).

Anyway, whoever is looking to pitch would need to pull some stats to be included for presentation to the chosen contact within each corporation. Pitch to each corporation per region, when surfer's sales are lowest for that region. I think it can be done...you can market anything with the proper attitude...I think we have the purchase power to warrant it...I agree with you.


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rough figures for australia is 10% of the population surfs thats 2.5 million give or take i don't know if yamaha has even made that many sj's. Even 2% of your population is way more than that.



Its all about the surf!
Oceanside, CA
It’s all about the perception of the masses. Surfing just has a coolness factor to it, not only the sport but the lifestyle. It appeals to everyone, hardcore enthusiasts and onlookers who will never try the sport, but are happy with a poser lifestyle. Also it’s relatively inexpensive so it’s within reach of anyone who wants to try it, especially kids who don’t find the challenge of learning discouraging.

Jet skis on the other hand are kind of like Harleys, they are very expensive and have only a small hardcore following. People who love them like us are hooked for life while the masses view us as punks who ride machines that are loud and obnoxious.

The economic factor holding the sport back is HUGH. Since the majority of the masses in an income bracket who can afford a Jet Ski are the “Older crowd” who do find the challenge of learning discouraging, then they are more likely to buy a couch, because they’re fast an easy to ride. So, even though the kids of these couch purchasing parents would prefer a STAND UP, they can’t afford one, so they end up riding Mom and Dads couch. The majority get bored with it really quick, and end up giving up the sport for something with a little more challenge and adrenaline like surfing or dirt bikes. I actually had a 10yr old kid on a skateboard come up to me and say “Cool Jet Ski but that’s one of the hard ones, I want a Sea Doo” I’m thinking to myself, a kid who can Ollie his skate board over a curb thinks my STAND UP is too hard to ride? Whose brain washed this kid???

I blame a lot of this bad perception on the Manufacturers themselves. In the Early 90’s Jet Ski events were on a rapid rise. The annual racing and freestyle event at the World Finals in Lake Havasu were attended by crowds reaching in excess of 30,000 spectators. The events were dominated by STAND UP races and freestyle. Then came the input of the corporate money crunchers. There reasoning was, well were selling 98% sit-down watercraft to 2% STAND UP water craft, so the public must want to see SITDOWN watercraft. The events were subsequently rearranged to promote the sit-downs. Thus the seeds were planted for the self inflicted destruction of our sport and it was caused by the Manufacturers themselves! Couches may be fast and easy to ride but they’re certainly not entertaining to watch, especially to a kid, and kids are the future of any sport. Lose the kids interest and you have killed the future of you’re sport.
Because jetsking is the basterd child of motor sports
Hell I've seen freakn lawnmowers race on T.V
Maybe some day our hobby will grown in to a sport and
More than the privled will have the time and money to make it a "career" I think it's close but who knows.
And throw in The whole "go green attitude" in the mix and now it's on a whole new field.
this year I was at the blowsion surf slam talking to a local lady and she pointed to a small lake created from the tide shift filled with sea foam and she asked if the scum/foam was from the jetskis poluting the water.
Not every one is that dumb but they're out there.

As for surfing it's been around allot longer then jetskis and evryone knows what surfing is.
I tell new people I meet that I ride freestyle jetskis and I'm sure they picture me on a couch taking a cruse or spinning in circles.
That's because jetsking has not gone main streem.


Yeah but heck, people use to (and still do) sell snake oil as a cure-all elixir turning a good profit…it’s all in the sales pitch. You wouldn’t present them with the numbers on the surfers. Present the numbers on skis (include stand-up and sitdowns), the annual expenditures on purchases of new and used skis, annual maintenance figures, yadee yadee…forget any negatives and sell it with a positive attitude.
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I agree with both of you I don't meen to sound negotive. I will love this basterd child of a "sport"with or without publicity ive been it jetski for more tha half my life. when/if takes off again. It will be that much kewler
The progression latly is brought a new hope. But like stated before with that progression the price to compete has increased 10 x
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They will desire to know circulation; the magazines are linked to the websites, so for starters, pull all website’s active member status and include that with circulation figures. Include some good promo vids...more stuff can be done from there…


NE Tenn
All good points.What 227 said in post#7 hits it square on the nose.l've been riding over 20 years,and have watched the sport grow and then almost go away.l'm sure a few of the other old timers have seen the same.We even owned a nice ski/wakeboard boat for a number of years.l found l would rather ride my skis.Starting last year l saw a few more stand ups on the lake and then this year a bunch more.Guys that had never rode before got into our sport.Most of the guys l ride with are 25-35 years old.l think some of them are posers and can't wait to see who make it out next year.And my age group can't seem to get their fat azz off the couch and think l'm nutz for doing what l do.

And costs are ridiculous for parts.l bitched when l had to pay $175 for a half pipe years ago.And a bpipe cost $700 plus now! Holy crap! Even though l make more $ today,the cost of our sport if you want something nice is out of reach for a lot of the younger crowd.

All in all.l would love to see the sport grow again.


So long and thanks for all the fish
You hit the nail on the head.

It’s all about the perception of the masses. Surfing just has a coolness factor to it, not only the sport but the lifestyle. It appeals to everyone, hardcore enthusiasts and onlookers who will never try the sport, but are happy with a poser lifestyle. Also it’s relatively inexpensive so it’s within reach of anyone who wants to try it, especially kids who don’t find the challenge of learning discouraging.

Jet skis on the other hand are kind of like Harleys, they are very expensive and have only a small hardcore following. People who love them like us are hooked for life while the masses view us as punks who ride machines that are loud and obnoxious.

The economic factor holding the sport back is HUGH. Since the majority of the masses in an income bracket who can afford a Jet Ski are the “Older crowd” who do find the challenge of learning discouraging, then they are more likely to buy a couch, because they’re fast an easy to ride. So, even though the kids of these couch purchasing parents would prefer a STAND UP, they can’t afford one, so they end up riding Mom and Dads couch. The majority get bored with it really quick, and end up giving up the sport for something with a little more challenge and adrenaline like surfing or dirt bikes. I actually had a 10yr old kid on a skateboard come up to me and say “Cool Jet Ski but that’s one of the hard ones, I want a Sea Doo” I’m thinking to myself, a kid who can Ollie his skate board over a curb thinks my STAND UP is too hard to ride? Whose brain washed this kid???

I blame a lot of this bad perception on the Manufacturers themselves. In the Early 90’s Jet Ski events were on a rapid rise. The annual racing and freestyle event at the World Finals in Lake Havasu were attended by crowds reaching in excess of 30,000 spectators. The events were dominated by STAND UP races and freestyle. Then came the input of the corporate money crunchers. There reasoning was, well were selling 98% sit-down watercraft to 2% STAND UP water craft, so the public must want to see SITDOWN watercraft. The events were subsequently rearranged to promote the sit-downs. Thus the seeds were planted for the self inflicted destruction of our sport and it was caused by the Manufacturers themselves! Couches may be fast and easy to ride but they’re certainly not entertaining to watch, especially to a kid, and kids are the future of any sport. Lose the kids interest and you have killed the future of you’re sport.


Manners cost nothing
Barrie - ontario
there are decent jet ski mags out there

im still subscribed to this mag in the uk, jet skier and pw

the mag does a great job and covers freestyle/freedride plus racing (obvioulsy on th uk circuit) and product reviews

earlier this year they reviewed the daytona freeride


they get good advertsing support

so here you go put your money where you mouth is and subscribe... otherwise you have answered you own question as to why the mags dont get supported
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havin fun
clearwater FL
im not trying to pitch a magazine I just was curious why our sport has no following while you can watch curling on tv. really!? I am not taking any feedback negative, Im just amazed that I see money spent for we have in common but we get no coverage. take a second the next time you walk by a magazine rack and look at all the crap on the stands. somebody is buying it.

I do agree the manufacturers play a large part in pushing their product. so the effort to promote standups costs more than the return when they sell more skis? when racing is everywhere and people turn out, when energy drinks are sponsors? its just as hard to learn all this on a motorcycle and just if not more expensive to pimp one of those machines out. so why is nobody looking at standups? all the points mentioned by everyone could apply to other forms of entertainment less interesting(at least by my standards) and yet there is a following or an advertiser.

remember when skateboarding was a crime? now its almost a mainline attraction. since it could go mainstream is made its own coverage is that what we need to do? promote from within, gather some momentum until somebody takes notice?

some of you guys make some top quality vids, even from a helmet cam. is this the time to do a Wayne's World show? lol

surfing has been around for a loong time, longer than mx but that didnt stop it from blowing up. When will our messiah come and be the outspoken, crazy up in your face posterboy to take it to the next level?


Its all about the surf!
Oceanside, CA
you want this??? I don't.

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I think we have it good just where we are at...

I have to agree with slut on this one. Most of you who don’t come from a surfing background don’t realize how good we have it. Even though were a small group, there’s enough of us out there to make it worth while for the MFG’s to keep making skis, that’s not the problem now. THE PROBLEM NOW is the crazy ENVIRONMENTALISTS and EPA RESTRICTIONS. Every body wants a clean environment, but they are simply taking this clean emissions crap to far. There really needs to be a line drawn as how far the EPA can go, (WHICH CAN NOT BE CHANGED IN THE FUTURE, or, at least until technology for a practical alternative engine exists) And MFG’s need to step up and make two strokes with clean fuel injection to meet a reasonable standard set by the EPA. I’m hearing rumors of existing two stroke outboard engines with fuel injection which have better emissions than 4 strokes. We really need to have a Two Stroke Representative Association (Say like the National Rifle Assoc who represents gun owners and fights gun control) to Lobby for our sport in Washington with the EPA. We alone are too small of a group but if all Watercraft enthusiasts, Dirt/Quad and other Off Roaders, Fishermen and even Landscapers with two stroke weed wackers could all unit we would have a sizable lobbying force to represent us in Washington and to the EPA.
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