Single Trailer Modification Question

Hey Guys

I recently had to trade in my suv for a honda accord due to gas mileage. I am trying to think of an easy way to get the ski in the water. I know with the accord i will not have the clearence i had with my explorer. Is there a way to maybe ramp the jet ski off the back of the trailer into the water. I just dont wanna have to worry about the water going up the exaust. I have not tried to put the ski in the water with the accord i just put the hitch on the car monday. Any Advice? Any easy Modifications i can make to the trailer?



as long as the engines running water will not get into the exhaust..butyou shoulnt have to back in too far for a a blaster or standup unless your ramp is at a very slight angel...other option would be a tote, or extend the tonge on the trailer


Ski Eat Sleep Repeat
Look at my avatar. My van blows bubbles the whole time I'm unloading. NO problemo (other than wheel bearings :smile:)
The biggest concern here in SA is not the ramp angle but their condition and you getting stuck. Let me know when you get here will take you to our spots and introduce you to the guys. You can ride medina but it sucks right now. We ride dunlap river alot but its a drive if you live near the college. Winter time will be our ocean time and when we go you are welcome to go with.
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OCD Solutions

Original, Clean and Dependable Solutions
Rentz, GA
Depending on how steep the ramp is and how balanced the trailer, you may be able to just unhitch the trailer and walk it in by hand. We have a few riders in our group that tow with Hondas and that's what they do.
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