Ski Build Help!


Fiberglassing Newb
Cincinnati, OH
Ok, I'm about to pull the Trigger on building up my ski. I need advice on setup and where to get the best deal on parts! Here is what I think I am going to add.

1. B pipe (wheres best place to get and which on mod or limited?) Also wammer sells a modded one is it worth the extra money or no??
2. ADA head - place to buy?
3. MSD Enhancer - where buy?
4. Carbon Reeds - worth it? Where buy?
5. WDK Diablo hood
6. Xmetal pole and bracket - this good to go with?
7. Prop What size and where do I buy it?
4. worx 201 - best place to buy
5. Trim system - which one? Where do I get it.
6. Stubby pump cone
7. Should I bore the nozzel?
8. Lightened fly wheel - what kind where to buy?
9. Dual cooling parts.. what all so I need?

I think thats it.. I already have xmetal steering and foot holds..
any advice and info is appreciated!


Louisville, Ky
1. B pipe (wheres best place to get and which on mod or limited?) Also wammer sells a modded one is it worth the extra money or no?? I would do the new EME exhaust. I hear it makes more power and could replace the b-pipe. Plus I think it would be easily adapted to a 66e if you ever chose to go that route.
2. ADA head - place to buy? AJS
3. MSD Enhancer - where buy? AJS
4. Carbon Reeds - worth it? Where buy? I would do V-force
5. WDK Diablo hood. Nice choice
6. Xmetal pole and bracket - this good to go with? Yeah, I like the WDK pole b/c it is a so strong. Last pole you will ever need!! More expensive but I would do the WDK pole before a RRP. X-metal is nice and looks great. Just factor in you need a pole pad as well.
7. Prop What size and where do I buy it? Solas concord 12/15 or 13/17....go to impros and geta cut back impeller
4. worx 201 - best place to buy find one used
5. Trim system - which one? Where do I get it. Thrust Innovations Straight pull system
6. Stubby pump cone AJS
7. Should I bore the nozzel? 83-84mm
8. Lightened fly wheel - what kind where to buy? TBM is the nicest, should eb able to get it through AJS
9. Dual cooling parts.. what all so I need? (2) 90degree brass fittings (one for pump one for bottom of b-pipe manifold), (2) brass t-fitings, (1) SS through hull tube
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Other Administrator
Staff member
South Florida
Unless you're doing some porting, I've been told by reputable people that you don't need to mess with your reeds.


Fiberglassing Newb
Cincinnati, OH
I thought the eme pipe was for higher modded engines, not just a mild limited set up??

If I go b pipe limited or mod?

I heard people change the reeds incase the break carbon causes less damage then the metal ones??
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Louisville, Ky
Very soon from my understanding. You will have to run a small gas tank though (about 40minutes run time). They system will work better on limted motors but it is being designed for superjets, so it should be a bolt on mod for all sj's, from stock to stroked lameys.

Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
I just orderd a mod b pipe from factory pipe. I dont wanna run a small tank cause I try and ride all day..

Any one have jetting recomemdations on this?

hmmmmmm, 75 low 135 highs??? Been a long time since I set up a non ported motor.

Anybody?? Not sure if FPP updated the jets they supply for the dual 38's. they were sending out just jetting for single carb 61x


Fiberglassing Newb
Cincinnati, OH
I asked Factory pipe for recomendations and the lady said they had none for the mod pipe.

what does everyone think about the wammer trim set up?
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makin' legs
Ok, I'm about to pull the Trigger on building up my ski. I need advice on setup and where to get the best deal on parts! Here is what I think I am going to add.

1. B pipe (wheres best place to get and which on mod or limited?) Also wammer sells a modded one is it worth the extra money or no??

Save your money on the Wammer mod. Jetworks has a ltd in stock.:bigok: Call Art if you want it. They probably won't have it long. 949 548 5259


Do it twice?That's DooDoo
Ok, I'm about to pull the Trigger on building up my ski. I need advice on setup and where to get the best deal on parts! Here is what I think I am going to add.

1. B pipe (wheres best place to get and which on mod or limited?) Also wammer sells a modded one is it worth the extra money or no?? limited unless you cant get ahold of one... then mod will still be pretty damn good
2. ADA head - place to buy? ADA Racing or used
3. MSD Enhancer - where buy? atlantic jetsports
4. Carbon Reeds - worth it? Where buy? keep the stock reeds
5. WDK Diablo hood
6. Xmetal pole and bracket - this good to go with? EXCELLENT
7. Prop What size and where do I buy it?13/16 solas cutback from impros
4. worx 201 - best place to buy impros
5. Trim system - which one? Where do I get it.dont bother at this time... do this mod later
6. Stubby pump cone wetwolf.. but ebay has a bunch at times
7. Should I bore the nozzel? not if you do the pump cone... do one or the other...
8. Lightened fly wheel - what kind where to buy? aluminum TBM if you wanna spend $$$ or send your stock to someone to lighten.... 50-75 bucks
9. Dual cooling parts.. what all so I need? do a search on here... covered many times

I think thats it.. I already have xmetal steering and foot holds..
any advice and info is appreciated!

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Fiberglassing Newb
Cincinnati, OH
factory pipe had a mod pipe in stock! I thought the mod was better... or should I have gotten limited???

is atlantic cheapest place to get ada head?

Should I stay with stock reeds?
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Do it twice?That's DooDoo
call and make sure Art at jetworks still has that limited... if he does- call and cancel your order at factory pipe...

Stay with stock reeds...

if you order the pipe at jetworks- see if Art can give you a package deal for the enhancer + the girdled head kit as well...


Do it twice?That's DooDoo
BTW... I am no expert... I am just telling you the conclusions that I have come up with from my personal experience while doing my mods on my blasters and superjet... some people will of course have different ideas than me... you have to come up with your own conclusions... I read too much on here, so my ski is basically a combination of all the ideas that I read 10000 hours about and decided I liked best...


Do it twice?That's DooDoo
mod is better on higher cc engines that produce way more power or on a limited setup with freestyle porting... some say limited is better no matter what... I would personally get the limited if Art from Jetworks has one in stock and just call factory pipe and cancel your order as long as they havent already shipped it...
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