ski_crazy's 96' sxi rebuild....updated 6/23/08 99% Done


ISJWTA member #5
Holts Summit, MO
This is the tear down and rebuild of my project SXI. If you got any questions or opinions feel free to post up. What it looked like when I brought her home.
This is the begining of the tear down. I did the bars and hardware last weekend getting it ready for the new UMI set up. Also removed the mats and tray trim to get it ready for the Water Dawg foot holds and removal of the rear container tubes. The back end will be completely shaved, exhaust too.
old bars off.jpgold turf removed.jpg
This is the new battery mount location. This is just a mock up for now. But by moving this battery forward I add a little more weight to the front to help off set the fact that I am 6'6" 250lbs. This also makes room for the new front side exhaust hose routing and fire extinguisher mount location.
battery mock up.jpg
The motor was pulled tonight. And I found I need a new motor mount. Anybody got one laying around?
motor out.jpg
I am also going to remove the front gas filler location and put the filler directly on the tank inside the hull, about where the fuel filters are resting. I have gotten all new bright toxic green fuel line. The dash will be shaved also and primer moved under the hood. I haven't picked a color or graphics out yet.
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ISJWTA member #5
Holts Summit, MO
Update. Got the rest of hoses and gas tank removed. Along with the handpole and pump and grate. Now its time to start glassing and finish the reinforcements. I also got the fuel filler mounted in it new location.
sxi empty hull.jpg
sxi stripped.jpg
sxi bottom 1.jpg
sxi new gas filler.jpg
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ISJWTA member #5
Holts Summit, MO

New stand that I built to get her up to an easier height to work on. I'm 6'6"
sxi and new stand.jpg
Took off rest of the trim and stickers. Cleaned out the inside better.
sxi destickerized.jpg
sxi clean inside.jpg
Spent six hours smoothing the bottom of the hull and some of the top on Saturday. Continued shaving the fuel door and bow eye. Also did some inner hull reinforcements around the hand pole mounting area.
fuel door shave.jpg
fuel door shave 1.jpg
My WDK footholds and hull extensions should be here tomorrow. This weekend I'll try to get the extensions molded on and get the bottom sealed and primed. Or get the finishing layers of fiberglass layed on the fuel door area. Maybe both. I'm also going to strip the hand pole pivot bracket and repaint it, sometime.
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ISJWTA member #5
Holts Summit, MO
I got the WDK hull extensions mounted and epoxied on. Also got the big a$$ cutouts done for the WDK footholds. Going to refoam around the footholds tonight and start laying more FG over the nose and hull extensions. Also going to fill in the old holes left over from the pissers and bilge pump outlets. Its coming along slowly. I picked up some primer yesterday for when the bottom is ready is be sprayed.

hull ext 1.jpg

hull ext 2.jpg

foothold cutout.jpg

foothold fitted.jpg


I forgot!
good start, i have a few questions. why hull extensions and footholds? this is a freestyle ski correct? also i had the primer under the hood on my sxi and did a classic rookie move and opened the hood out in open water to give it a shot to fire it up and a wave folded in and swamped my ski. i am sure your smarter than i was but thought i would share my inexperience with ya, having a primer is handy but not when under the hood.


ISJWTA member #5
Holts Summit, MO
D-Roc thanks for the interest. This is a semi-freestyle build, I'm still learning. The hull extensions are to help porpoising. I'm 6'6" and need the help of having a longer hull. The ski was going to get a tear down and rebuild anyway so I am adding everything now that I will need down the road later. I want to do it once and be done. That and I can't leave anything alone. As with the primer under the hood this ski is not cold natured at all. One squirt at home before I head the the river for a test run and she'll start all day long. I have never had a ski that will start this easy.


I forgot!
sounds good to me, my sxi started up pretty good as long as the reeds were fresh. once i started tabbing it and riding it harder it would sometimes sip some water and stall out. a shot of the primer always fired it back up quicker. i ran TL advent on mine so the less cranking the longer my battery would hold out. you should run this advent in your ski that i have here. i got a flywheel too, with magnets removed if you want to run it as a TL.


ISJWTA member #5
Holts Summit, MO
When you say "TL" that is a "Total Loss ignition" right? What are the pros and cons to running the TL. If the magnets are removed the system won't charge the battery will it? I will always be able to change the primer back to the dash later if needed. Thats something that I had thought about already as an option if under the hood doesn't work out.


I forgot!
the advent runs off the battery so as an option you can remove the magnets and stator and run it without the rotation weight and magnet draw from the magnets. it will give you some good bottom end. if you have a pipe and a head with 185psi you can run the limited timing curve which will start making some more power. if you really want more it has a superstock and twin pipe curve on it. as well as stock curve. more spark, adjustable rev limiter/water injection. it is a digital ignition with i think 30 something timing points on the curve. if it worked in my superjet i would run it but i haven't found a way to use it. you should really buy it off me. christmas present for yourself.


ISJWTA member #5
Holts Summit, MO
So how does it keep the battery charged? It doesn't does it? I like the idea of more power but I also like to keep my charging system. My sxi has an R&D head and Factory Pipe pipe on it. What are you looking to get out of it?


I forgot!
you can run it with the magnets and stator to charge the battery or remove them for total loss. what ever its worth to ya, make me an offer. i think they are 500 new


ISJWTA member #5
Holts Summit, MO
I can't offer you much for it seeing that the TL is not high on my list of parts needed for my build. My motor might even have a lightened flywheel already I haven't taken it apart to look. Just about every other bolt on a/m part is already there. Let me know what you want to get out of it. If I don't take it I'm sure you can sell it on here to somebody.


ISJWTA member #5
Holts Summit, MO
thats cool, you should think about shortening your pole if you haven't especially if you got long gangly

Hahaha I do!! I've got first dibs from another board member that has an aluminum pole that I will be getting from him when he gets his new pole installed. I will then shorten that pole to my liking. I'm thinking -5 or -6 inches.


ISJWTA member #5
Holts Summit, MO
Lots and lots of sanding later the bottom is ready for primer. It'll get sprayed next weekend. Got all the old pisser and bilge fitting holes filled.
pisser holes filled.jpg
Also got the final layers of fiberglass on the footholds. Tray is reinforced also.
footholds glassed.jpg
I've got a roll of Carbon Fiber ready for the inside after I get some clear epoxy resin ordered.


ISJWTA member #5
Holts Summit, MO
Made a little progress today. Got the primer sanded on the bottom and a layer of Storm Grey base down for some simple graphics. Don't pay to close attention to the bottom after all its still going to be a river boat.
Storm grey bottom.jpg
Storm grey bottom 1.jpg
Also got the underside of the hood sanded, primed, and painted black.
bottom hood primer.jpg
bottom hood black.jpg
Top Bottom