Just checked and there is a small craft advisory for wed. and thurs. that may be a problem for people riding today. Beach patrol usually won't open zone if there is an advisory called. I hope I am wrong!
Dont think the special zone behind hotel will be a problem on thursday becuase it is 'Nick's zone' to control.
Options for surf if zone is closed is to drive north and ride at the 'spot' or drive south and ride at ponce inlet.
4950 South Peninsula Dr., Ponce Inlet, FL 32127
Dont think the special zone behind hotel will be a problem on thursday becuase it is 'Nick's zone' to control.
Options for surf if zone is closed is to drive north and ride at the 'spot' or drive south and ride at ponce inlet.
4950 South Peninsula Dr., Ponce Inlet, FL 32127
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