SN SJ Factory foam fill holes...where???


JM781 Big Bore
My 1992 SN currently weighs about as much as my RN and FX1 combined (slight exaggeration but it is back breaking to lift/move this pig around now). Anyone have pics of where the factory foam fill holes are? I believe one of them should down around where the steering cable comes thru the bulkhead, but for the life of me I can't find it. Anyone have pics? I can't find the white 'stickers' Yamaha used to cover them. The whole area is nice and flat, and if I had closed it/them off when I refoamed, I must have done a perfect job, which I highly doubt because I am a hack with stuff like that.
Here’s where they are on a round nose. Not sure if it’s different on a sn. I already filled them but you can see on the left / right about 1/3 way up the bulkhead.

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JM781 Big Bore
I still can't find them. Maybe I did a superb job covering/filling them. That build is a blur to me. Too long ago and I know there were a LOT of Sam Adams Octoberfest involved. Thanks for all the help guys!!


JM781 Big Bore
Do you have a drain plug on it? hook up some air at 2-3psi and see where it is leaking.

I'm gonna put a couple in for sure. Because if I have to tear this apart I'll be going the hard pink Owens Corning crap from HD, so I'll need drains anyhow. I'll try that! And I may even try a shop vac for poops and giggles.
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