Some Bad News...


Looking to the sky
League city tx
Well, this tuesday my father, Todd Endo (wave chaser) was outside working on the suburban with my younger sister, and the truck managed to roll off of the stands and over top of him. Crushing him underneath, and cutting off his air supply. My younger sister was smart enough to run and call 911 before coming and getting my mother and I to come help him. He was trapped beneath the truck for atleast 2 to 3 minutes before we got to him, and we werent able to push/start the car with him underneath due to the driveshaft being removed and the car sitting on an incline with only three of us pushing. It took what seemed like forever for the EMT to arrive, but it was only a few short minutes. After they arrived we were able to push the truck far enough to get him completely dislodged from below the front A-arm where it had pinned him underneath. He needed no reviving and came to immediately after the pressure was relieved, by some miracle. He was then lifeflighted to Memorial Herman's Trauma ICU right away from our home.

Good news out of it all:
He came out of it alive. Bruised and beaten, but alive. He suffered multiple fractured ribs, his right shoulder has quite a few broken bones as well, and he has many abrassions all over his body from the accident. The most serious of it was the bleeding in his brain, but it has already disappeared and there is no sign of any serious problems or returns. He is expected to make a full recovery, and has already, in only a days time, returned to almost his old self, just with some barriers keeping him down.

Those of you that know my dad, i just thought you all might want to know that this had occurred. He is hoping to be home as soon as the end of this week, though it could be longer. He has already progressed so much that it looks like it will most likely be a somewhat speedy recovery.


Grand Rapids, MI
don't know your father...but will be praying for him and a speedy recovery...glad he is ok and sending good vibes your family's way
So sorry to hear this, it always happens to the best people. Your dd is a great guy, really hope all goes well. Keep us posted.


Houston, TX
WOW!! Don't know him either, but I pray for a speedy recovery. I thought for sure I was going to read that he had passed, and was so happy to hear the outcome.

It should make us all think that you never know when our time may come, so enjoy life, remember what's important and let those whom you love know it.

The Penguin

triple secret probation
WOW!! Don't know him either, but I pray for a speedy recovery. I thought for sure I was going to read that he had passed, and was so happy to hear the outcome.

It should make us all think that you never know when our time may come, so enjoy life, remember what's important and let those whom you love know it.

you've probably met Todd and didn't realize it. He was in PA with us in March.

I hope he gets well soon - glad to hear that he came out of that accident with only the injuries he did get.


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I didnt know either, wow I'M so glad to hear he is ok. Post up a # so we can bother him at the hospital.

Its bad news but with a good ending.

Get well Todd.


How did I get here?
Fort Worth
He sound like quite a fighter. Hope he makes a complete recovery.

That story scared the crap out of me. All the time I'm working on my Suburban by myself. Think I'll get a mechanic to do it from now on.....


Looking to the sky
League city tx
well currently hes not able to talk much due to having a collapsed lung from the accident, and it hurts his chest as well. But i will let him know everyone is sending their best wishes. He has improved more and more each day, and i just heard that even today he has improved even more. He is back to his old self as far as his personality goes though, which made us all breath a sigh of relief knowing he was starting to feel alot better. If he can talk over the phone and is feeling well, he has his phone there and i will let him know you guys would like to talk to him. I'll try to keep you guys updated on here when i can, but for the most part he is just waiting to hear that all his injuries will heal up right and that he can be sent home. Again, thank you guys for the care and concern. I know my dad will greatly appreciate it


Looking to the sky
League city tx
well taking the right precautions can always help prevent accidents, you just never know when something may go wrong. I know from now on i'll be overkill on safety when it comes to crawling underneath a car.


Just plain me....
wow, Nick. That is a heart-stopping story, especially knowing Todd. Tell him we're thinking of him. Let me know if there's anything I can do. He's got our number. We'll be by to see him when he gets home, settled & feels like company.

And big props to lil' sis for being such a quick thinker. That's awesome to hear.


Looking to the sky
League city tx
yeah if it wasnt for her, i dont know how it would have turned out. She was quick on her feet to come get us. Of course the day something like this happens, absolutely no one is home on the street to help us either. We're just lucky the emt's and police got there so quick.

I'll be sure to tell him everyone is thinking about him, again, and they hope for a speedy recovery. My dads always been a stubborn one, so im sure he'll try speeding up the process as much as possible too
Glad to here all is going very good for him in the hosp , Just tell him you cant wait for him to get well enough to go rippin again and he'll be out there before ya know it ! Inclines and any kind of jacks and or stands and vehicles dont mix .. get well soon !


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I just got off the phone with Todd. He is one LUCKY guy. For getting hurt luck was on his side. His recovery is going well, lets all keep praying it keeps going good for him. The guy is busted up, but will recover. He sounds real good on the phone and may be able to leave the hospital this Sat.

Get well Todd!


Rockin' the SQUARE!!!!
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Granbury, TX
Wow.... I'm so glad to hear Todd is safe! Nick, thanks for keeping us updated, glad everything turned out well.

For those who don't know Todd and his son Nick (Superjetter), they are the definition of "good people" and I don't think anyone who has met them has anything but great things to say about them. Again, I am so glad he is okay. Please be safe everybody!

Life is so precious and we never know when freak accidents can happen, take nothing and no one for granted. God Bless.
I thought for sure I was going to read that he had passed, and was so happy to hear the outcome.

same here.

my grandparents lost a friend from a jack bleeding off not long ago, and i have to say sometimes when my truck is on jack stands with the wheels off and im beating the crap out of some part on it with a sledge, ill think alittle harder from now on...

the fire station is a rocks throw away for me but i bet it'd still take them an hour to get here, he lucked out for sure! prayer sent for a speedy recovery!


steals hub caps from cars
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at peace
It is an all too common cause of accidental death. Glad he made it. Godspeed.
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