The date is pending on testing being performed today on the ET. There will be a press confrence this afternoon to discuss the prelim test results, if things go well and we find the problem the 10th should be good. If we still can't pinpoint the issue and fix it......who knows when it will go?
BTW, the 10th is Thursday. If it ends up going up on the 11th I will most likely not be at the freestyle clinic (Sorry Slutty, I told you otherwise a few days ago, it looks like I will need to hang around for the launch).
Here's a picture for fun, I took this back in June before STS-118. I got to ride on the Crawler from the VAB to pad 39A with Endeavour :bananalama: This shot was taken after we delivered the MLP and Shuttle, and were backing the Crawler back down to the base of the is one of the coolest sights I have ever seen :wavey: