Super Jet Spray painting cylinder & clear coating stator plate

Picked up a Harbor Freight soda blaster and cleaned up some pieces I got via parts machines. The soda blaster does a reasonable job, but it's messy and filling the vessel is PIA. Here's before and after of the stator plate.




All the corrosion and junk came off, but the aluminum still has an odd discoloration. I know Mother's aluminum cleaner will clear that up, but there has to be a better, less labor intensive way to get the aluminum looking new again. Anybody have some suggestions? Also, when it does get looking new, what should I spray it with some kind of clear coat I guess. What do the flywheel lightening guys use?

Also hit up a set of cylinders. Is it mandatory to take off all the paint down to bare aluminum in order to get spray paint to adhere well? Also, what type, brand, etc should I use? I plan on using a spray gun I just picked up.

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The better less labor intensive way is to use aluminum oxide to blast instead of soda. It will also give a better bite for the new paint to stick

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