whats the weight difference between a stock square pole and an AC square pole? anyone know?
S sflsurfrider Jan 28, 2006 #1 whats the weight difference between a stock square pole and an AC square pole? anyone know? Last edited: Jan 28, 2006
Mouthfulloflake ISJWTA member #2 Location NW Arkansas Jan 28, 2006 #2 well.. I dont know. BUT I have an unmounted standard length pole that I am pretty sure is an AC pole. I could weigh it maybe? do you know what a stocker weighs?
well.. I dont know. BUT I have an unmounted standard length pole that I am pretty sure is an AC pole. I could weigh it maybe? do you know what a stocker weighs?
romack991 homebrewed Location Warsaw, IN Jan 29, 2006 #4 i have an AC that I just took off. Only measuring device I have is bathroom scale though which I doubt will be that accurate.
i have an AC that I just took off. Only measuring device I have is bathroom scale though which I doubt will be that accurate.