Stand up stolen! huntsville alabama

My riding partner and best friend {jetrocker} on this site , had his 94 750sx stolen after our first official ride on sat 3-3 ,he had a blowout on his way home to huntsville ala, he was on I 575 in huntsville , he left the ski to go to walmart to get another trailer tire and upon returning found the trailer empty,probably some asshole that had never even seen a stand up jet ski!!! , it was his first and only ride on that ski after purchasing it about 6 weeks ago. he is soo bummed! so if anyone in the area hears of any good or shady deals for a stand up 750 ,let us know , the hulll # is AL-7797-EK, thanks derek ps" ill get him to add some pics of it if it will help
If someone snatched it off of 565 in Huntsville, most likely they are from the area. I watch the paper here for ski stuff and the other classifieds. I know SJBrit rides out at Guntersville, and I boat/ski anywhere from Decatur to Ditto and in between. If the ski makes it out to the water in this area this spring, it will probably be seen. What color was it? anything outstanding on it that could help it be identified from a distance? That really stinks. I had a 96 HX and a 96 XP stolen in Huntsville back in 98. It's not a good feeling to see your ski gone. Please post some pics.


615 Freeriders are addicted to T1 madness.
:shooter3: :chairshot: :AR15firing: :hitwithrock: :buttkick: :rocketwhore: :Banane36: :nutkick: :kabong: Sorry to here this bro. I will keep an eye out in Nashville as well. Unfortunateley it will probably get joy rode once or twice and sunk or something. Hope we find the Azzholes and can get some revenge.


Extraordinary Alien
Bradenton, FL
Wow - sorry to hear that. That really sucks. I'll put the word out with some buddies who don't post in here too. VIN # would be good.
Sorry to hear. I'd watch that shady British guy that lives in that area.:sneaky: Keep an eye on ebay for parts or the local for sale rags where rednecks sell stuff. It'll probably be the jetski advertised for double the going rate but without registration.


Анархия - мать порядка!
I really doubt it's gonna show up in NY/NJ area, but will still keep my eyes open.
This sucks!

Waste Land

Non Multa Sed Multum
Florence, AL
Shoals Area is keeping an eye out for it. If i see this ski, I'll phone authorities and/or chase him down and threaten him with my short statur and lack of muscles
New girl on the block

I am dogorbedogged's wife and best friend of jetrocker. What a night that was when his ski was stolen. I could feel his pain. I hope we get it back and get the people who took it. I rode it once myself ; nice ski. Dog just got my Kawi 650 running tonite. I am so ready to get back in the saddle. I feel like I know all of you because I read all you write to Dog, I can't wait to get up with yall and have some fun. By the way, 10 years ago, Dog and Jet were playing cat and mouse with me and I slammed Jetrocker right in the cowling, and almost sunk his 650-so watch out!:headbang:
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